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Why do companies use celebrities to promote their products in advertisements when it’s obvious that customers are going to buy the product based on its features and his budget rather than who endorsed it?

Category: Celebrity & Written by admin_brands On July-04-2022 16:10:01

Whenever any celebrity comes on television promoting anything it grabs the attention of the audience and people believe it and then they buy the product. Celebrity branding is using any celebrity to promote any product in an advertisement. It creates a buzz around the product or service that is being promoted. For example, any product is being showcased by any celebrity on social media and they have substantial social networks and people are interested in the trends and products which celebrities endorse.

Celebrity endorsement is a tool that boosts brand awareness. It is a way of enhancing credibility and visibility for brands. They are well-known people and celebrity endorsement can make a brand stand out.

Celebrity endorsements can expose a brand to new markets. The Celebrity effect is the ability of famous people to influence others. Companies can use their star power and influence to boost their own products and services. Celebrities can also add glamour to a brand.

Celebrity endorsements are powerful in part because of large celebrity networks. They are able to reach a lot of people through different mediums. They can reach people through television, traditional media, and social media.

Celebrity endorsements and branding can increase sales. Social media has also played a major role in driving product sales. People are inclined towards a recommendation or endorsement from a known public figure.

There are numerous drawbacks of celebrity advertising firstly a famous celebrity can overshadow a brand and detract from it. If consumers are not convinced that celebrities are sincere about an endorsement, it can negatively impact the brand. Celebrities who endorse too many products may lose credibility with the public. It is important to match
your product or service to the right celebrity.

The second drawback is that it can a long time to influence consumers through a celebrity endorsement. A celebrity endorsement from a star that is not well matched to the brand will not influence consumers at all.

The third drawback is the image of celebrities doesn’t remain the same. It is seen that when anyone signs a celebrity to endorse your brand, you sign on to everything that comes with them. While this usually means bringing in some of their fan base as customers, it can lead to disaster if a scandal occurs.

The last drawback is endorsements are expensive and it requires a pretty chunk of money.

It requires serious thinking about getting a celebrity endorsement for your product as you cannot completely rely on it. It is like a 50-50 situation because it depends on the audience as they are the ones who have to use the product. Getting a celebrity advertisement will not make you successful until and unless people like the product or the service. Then it will result in a successful process of advertisement and branding.


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