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Why Do Companies Use Celebrity Endorsement?

Category: Celebrity & Written by admin On October-28-2021 01:00:16

One of the most effective tools to boost brand awareness is Celebrity Endorsements. It is a way of enhancing credibility and gaining visibility for brands. Since Celebrities are well-known people, a celebrity endorsement can make a brand stand out. To achieve increased business, many companies have successfully leveraged celebrity endorsements.

Typically, celebrity endorsement is associated with large companies, however nowadays smaller and lesser known companies are reaching out to celebrity influencers to promote their brands. Now only does Celebrity endorsement build credibility of a brand, it can expose the brand to newer markets. Companies can use the star power of the celebrity influencers to boost visibility and sales of their own products and services. Celebrities tend to add credibility and glamour to a brand.

Celebrity Endorsement has a big influence on Consumers Purchasing patterns.To take an example, Nike is well known for celebrity endorsements of athletic footwear. They have had multiple successful celebrity endorsement campaigns. Whether it is basketball or golf, Nike has seen considerable gains from endorsements from athletes such as Michael Jordan and Tiger Woods.
Celebrity endorsements are powerful because of their reach through different mediums. Celebrities can reach people through television, traditional media and also social media. The other major reason they are so powerful is because of the celebrity effect.


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